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Volume V Number 12 - August 15, 2006
A Periodic Newsletter for Committed Texas Conservatives

In This Issue

Observations During Dog Days Of Summer

Tom DeLay And His Seat - What Went Wrong?

The Human Events Top Ten Reasons To Oppose Senate Amnesty Bill By Senator Jim DeMint

What's Ahead

Hard Hitting
Conservative Commentary
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Gary Polland
3411 Richmond Ave., Ste. 770
Houston, TX 77046
(713) 621-6335







Observations During Dog Days Of Summer

  1. BUSH IS CHURCHILL - While many conservatives are not happy with all President Bush has done, one thing is clear, he has laser-like focus and understanding about our war with Islamic fascist terrorists. When is the last time a President spoke in such unambiguous truths? Now if he can only come up with a way to deal with the number one state sponsor of terror, Iran.

  2. JOE LIEBERMAN: A DAY LATE - Timing is very important in politics. TCR believes that Senator Lieberman would have won his primary if it came a day or so later, after the revelation that Al-Qaeda planned to blow up ten or more U.S. bound jets. This proves that the John Kerry and Ned Lamont Democrats do not get it.

  3. TOM DELAY'S END - It is too bad Tom was taken down so hard and essentially "forced" to walk away from an often brilliant career. The final straw pulling his name from the ballot came this past week. Tom should have been allowed to retire on his own terms, he deserved it.

  4. BACK FROM EUROPE - Having just returned from Northern Europe and Russia, your editor was amazed at two things about the local European media: (1) the pro-terror bias and (2) that the U.S. is not their focus. It seems when you are the big dog others like to see you humbled. Russia is much different from the Soviet Union. The economy is doing better and the people look better. However, the country itself is back to being an international trouble maker as there is money to be made and influence to be had by selling top of the line weapons to Iran, Syria and other outlaw nations. One other thought, the dollar does not buy much except in Russia (Big Mac Meal, $2.50), in Sweden, ($8.50)!

  5. CLOUT/HENDEE SUIT TEMPORARILY DERAILED - A visiting judge from Seguin came to Austin last week and without studying the 100+ years of case law declared a taxpayer cannot sue to stop illegal unconstitutional state spending. TCR believes the better question is, why aren't our "conservative" state officials besides the Comptroller supporting the basis of the suit and seeking to control runaway state spending? You may want to ask Governor Perry, Lt. Governor Dewhurst, Speaker Craddick and Attorney General Abbott, why do you not support putting teeth in applications of the Article 8, Section 22(a) of the Texas Constitution? Of course, if they do TCR believes we will have real spending restraints and what's wrong with that?

    (NOTE: The CLOUT suit is on appeal and TCR hopes the Third Court of Appeals will follow the law.)

Tom DeLay And His Seat - What Went Wrong?

The Republican Party of Texas' legal strategy was a series of blunders from beginning to end. This is an unfortunate reflection upon our state party and the leadership it provides, but it is also the reality. Several key missteps caused the current situation:

  • Chairman Benkiser did not adequately prepare for or document DeLay's change of residency when she removed his name. This was a chance where a little extra effort could have paid off. Instead it hurt them later when trying to prove DeLay's ineligibility.

  • RPT did not have their case together. In trial, the RPT's arguments and witnesses came across as under-prepared. They made crucial mistakes that also limited their ability to make a stronger case on appeal.

  • Moving to Federal Court was a monster mistake. RPT assumed that the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals would rule in our favor simply because they're perceived as a Republican court. Instead, the RPT simply invited the federal government to intervene on a matter of state law. Not only was this a foolish move - it was decidedly not conservative. Conservatives respect our system of federalism and the rights and laws of the states. RPT neglected principle for perceived convenience, and it backfired.

So what do we do next? Sadly, we must recognize the reality that the 22nd District is now in a needlessly vulnerable position. A couple observations can be made though:

  • Some candidates are already jumping the gun with write-in campaigns. This is a bad move and a sure way to cause discord in the GOP ranks.

  • Write-in campaigns are almost certain to lose. Former RPT political director Royal Masset summed it up best in a recent interview with the Time Magazine blog: "it's a strategic disaster."

  • The track record on write-in campaigns is very poor. Only four people have ever been elected to Congress as write-ins, and most involved unusual circumstances - not against a well funded opponent like Lampson. The most recent successful write-in campaign was in 1982 in California. Masset points out that the last time RPT tried a write-in campaign was in 1976 against the scandal-plagued Don Yarbrough. The RPT-backed write-in got less than 10%!

  • A lot has changed since the last successful write-in in 1982. Electronic voting machines have made it harder to write-in. In the past, names could be written in with a pencil, and it was sufficient to simply ask the voters to do so. Now they have to be entered in one letter at a time by turning the e-slate wheel. In addition to usual campaign expenses, voters have to be taught how to dial in names electronically.

The Human Events Top Ten Reasons
To Oppose Senate Amnesty Bill

By Senator Jim DeMint

  1. Rewards Illegal Behavior With Path to Citizenship and Voting Rights

  2. Temporary Worker Program That's Neither Temporary nor Work-Based

  3. Unprecedented Wave of Immigrants: 66 Million Over 20 Years

  4. Insufficient Border Security

  5. Terrorist Loophole Disarms Law Enforcement

  6. Social Security Benefits, Tax Credits for Illegal Work

  7. $50 Billion a Year for Federal Government, States Foot Bill for Health Care

  8. Hurts Small Business

  9. Gives Immigrant Workers Greater Job Protection Than American Workers

  10. Weak Assimilation and English Requirements

TCR Comment: This succinctly takes down a bad Senate immigration bill -

COMING - (Friday, August 25, 2006 at 8 pm) to Channel 8 PBS in Houston, Texas - the connection - Red, White & Blue featuring TCR Editor Gary Polland and liberal commentator David Jones with guest Democratic candidate for Governor Chris Bell.

About Your Editor

Gary Polland is a long-time conservative and Republican spokesman, fund-raiser, and leader who recently completed three terms as the Harris County Republican Chairman. During his three terms, Gary was described as the most successful county Chairman in America by Human Events - The National Conservative Weekly. He is in his ninth year of editing a newsletter dealing with key conservative and Republican issues. The last four years he has edited Texas Conservative Review. Gary is a practicing attorney and strategic consultant and can be reached at (713) 621-6335.

© 2006 Texas Conservative Review

The Texas Conservative Review is published as a public service by Gary Polland
Phone: (713) 621-6335 Fax: (713) 752-2199 E-mail:
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